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"....because every community deserves to be healthy." 

Our Firm, est. 2018


For years, the Principle of our firm has been working in public health ensuring that minority communities receive health equity, equality, and access. Minority Health Consultants expertise ranges from health program technical assistance, health program development, connecting stakeholders to minority communities, and planning and implementing health focused events.


Minority Health Consultants is one of few health consulting firms in Nevada that specialize in serving communities of color, vulnerable populations, and communities that have disproportionate numbers in regards to chronic diseases and HIV in Nevada. We are determined to bring health equity to these communities. By combining our expertise, experience and passion for people. Our dedication to high standards, effectiveness,  hiring of trained health professionals, and work ethic is the reason our client base hires us. 

Vision: To ensure minority communities. receive equity and equality in public health.


Mission: To serve as the conduit between stakeholders and minority communities in order to improve health outcomes in these communities.

Our Principal, Alisa Howard


Alisa Howard is a Public Health professional and Instructor for the Community Health Worker Training Program at the College of Southern Nevada. She serves as a 1st Vice Chair for the Advisory Board of The Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program at the Southern Nevada Health District (SNHD), a proxy member for the Nevada Office of Minority Health, a committee member for the Nevada Certification Board, as well as a member of several coalitions and associations like: the Nevada Minority Health & Equity Coalition, Nevada Community Health Worker Association, and the National Association of Community Health Workers (NACHW) Alisa believes that you have to be a part of the decision making process if you really want to effect change, so she currently serves on the board for the (NACHW) Policy committee as welland has served as a former Governing Board Member of UCHAPS (Urban Coalition for HIV/AIDS Prevention Services).


Alisa's eight year public health career consists of working for the State of Nevada in the Tuberculosis Elimination Program in the Office of Public Health/Informatics & Epidemiology (OPHIE), the HIV & STD Surveillance Department at the Southern Nevada Health District, and implementing the Minority Health Services Programming at the Las Vegas Urban League where she ran a Ryan White Part-B HIV Prevention, and also an Early Intervention Program, and served as its Director. Through all of her work in HIV, Alisa knows that we need to modernize our outdated laws that criminalize people living with HIV, therefore she has been an advocate of the HIV Modernization bills here in Nevada and across the country.  She has now taken all of her skills, knowledge and advocacy efforts to a new level by applying them to her own business, Minority Health Consultants.

To inquire about any of these services, please click 

An updated Resume/CV can be sent  upon request.

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